The weekend BBQ
This past weekend, we had a BBQ. The weather was absolutely gorgeous so it was perfect!
The whole BBQ was my Mom’s idea and she asked me to invite some friends so I did!
I invited a friend that I have not seen in quite some time. I was excited to see her but I was also petrified! Why petrified? I have not seen her in quite a few years and, unfortunately, I have gained a bit of weight and I was scared of how she would react to my new “appearance.” I was afraid that she would be disappointed in me for letting myself go. Sounds stupid, huh? No one knows that more than me but I just couldn’t help it. Since I have started to get in touch with old friends on Facebook, I have been having some issues like this. I have put off seeing some friends because I am scared. Strangers I could care less about but friends I’m petrified! What the heck is that all about? Not sure but it is what it is. But I digress……. The BBQ was good…. Great deviled eggs, good burgers, potato salad and I got to see my friend and meet her 2 daughters and her husband. Her daughters are just beautiful and her husband is great. We talked and caught up a little. And it was nice to have my “sister from another mother “ back.
Muah! I'll never be disappointed in you! Love, Z~
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