Feelin' the need to do some reading.....
I have been feeling the need to do some reading lately. I have always been a mystery or suspense reader but lately I have wanted to read something funny so I have decided to look into some chick-lit stuff but as I am looking, all I seem to be finding are books about Tiny Tina's who are having man problems BUT they find love in the end with the friendly neighborhood male model from down the hall. Why is this? Why can't I find a book about someone more like me? The closest that I have found are the Bridget Jones books but I kinda got aggravatged with those because Bridget was all of 20 lbs overweight and the book was written as though she was 200 lbs overweight. I loved the books and enjoyed the movies as much as I could enjoy a movie starring Renee Zelwegger (???) but I want something that I can connect with ..... I want a heroine like me!! So now, I am on a mission to find a book that I can connect with to read. Anyone out there in BlogVille got any ideas for me..... Let me know!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
try "good in bed" by Jennifer Werner.
I totally enjoyed Liza Palmer's books, "Seeing Me Naked" and "Conversations With the Fat Girl" You can see them reviewed on my book review blog here...
(BTW, got here via SparkPeople!)
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